Data Services

Aggregation, Analysis and Reporting

Get expert help with your data requirements. When you need a little help and guidance to aggregate and analyze data, we have a team of experts who are here to help. Our data aggregation, analysis and reporting services are available to anyone in an Info or Insight plan for an additional fee that you will find very competitive.
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Our service starts by better understanding how you intend or desire to use the data, i.e., what problem are you trying to solve. With a firm understanding of your needs we’ll help you determine data requirements and analytical and reporting alternatives to best communicate your story to solve the problem you have.
How we make Data Aggregation, Analysis and Reporting Easy
Our team uses our analytical and industry expertise to make sure you get the information you need. We help municipal organizations, researchers, economic development organizations, media and others secured desired information local governments when:
How it Works
Here’s what you can expect from our data aggregation, analysis and reporting services:
It’s super simple!
If you are ever short on time or not quite sure how to get the information you need, remember we’re here to help. We incorporate best practices to help you get the data you need to make the best decisions.